
The Baptist and Barrington

(This morning’s sermon is comprised of a story by Martin Bell, entitled “Barrington Bunny” from his book The Way of the Wolf, with commentary offered by the preacher at various intervals in the story.) Once upon a time in a large forest there lived a very furry bunny. He had one lop ear, a tiny…

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Let the Triune God Resolve Divisions

New Day Sermon Pentecost 3 Divisions can cause all kinds of problems. In Mark 3, Jesus says unity is threatened by divisions. A House divided is destined to fall. One can look at fear being a major underlying reason for divisions to surface. One way to resolve divisions is to turn to the Triune God…

St Peters Evangelical Lutheran Church
Talking the Talk And Walking the Walk

traditional sermon pentecost 17 I was listening to the radio last Saturday and I heard an old episode of Car Talk. Did you ever catch Car Talk–two brothers from Boston solving people’s car problems over the radio waves. And every so often they would do my favorite bit called “stump the chump.” It would be…

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Yet Another Guest at Our Table

EMAIL DEVOTIONAL Pentecost 13 (Our thanks to our guest devotionerr, Mary Ann Frontz) When he was at the table with them, he took bread, blessed and broke it, and gave it to them. (Luke 24:30) Two weekend’s ago in the email devotion, Pastor Ross shared a poem “Perhaps the World Ends Here” written by Joy Harjo.  This…

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What Goes Up, Must Come Down

What goes up, must come down.  The NASA booster rocket that lifts a satellite into space then returns to earth … the pop fly a baseball player lofts into the sky which lands back in a player’s mitt … the daredevil high diver at a traveling circus who climbs that tall thin ladder only to then…

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Who is the Real You?

New Day Sermon Pentecost 19 We all have our stories and the truth of our lives lie more in what cannot be seen than what can.  The important part of our stories are not the troubled relationships but rather the reconciliation, the forgiveness, or the lack thereof…


Email Devotion Pentecost 17 But the father said to his slaves, “Quickly, bring out a robe—the best one—and put it on him; put a ring on his finger and sandals on his feet. And get the fatted calf and kill it, and let us eat and celebrate; for this son of mine was dead and…