CategoryTraditional Sermons
Read a new sermon each week from one of our Traditional Services.
When Love Shows Up
In the Wilderness
Standing in the Light of Christ
Happy Tears
The Presentation of our Lord
February 2 is the day we celebrate the Presentation of our Lord in the Temple.
Making Snowmen and Building Disciples
“Come and see!” I heard this invitation just over a week ago. It was said in excitement and anticipation…and I couldn’t hurry fast enough. The person inviting me didn’t want me to miss out. “Come and see!” she exclaimed. When have you heard an invitation like this one? We hear this morning from the Gospel…
January 12, 2020- Baptism of our Lord
Today we remember the Baptism of our Lord. Most of us, I assume have been baptized. I was four when I was baptized. Before my mother remarried, I attended a Mennonite church with my grandmother, a denomination that practiced believer’s baptism, usually in the teenage years. My mother and I joined Christ Lutheran church in…
An Unexpected Christmas Gift
7:30 Pm Christmas Eve Service Christmas blessings to you my friends–my fellow brothers and sisters in Christ. This is a night filled with joy and anticipation. So much anticipation–from the weeks of preparation you may have made to receive family members into your homes, to the hours of baking and shopping for the perfect gift…or…
The High-Low Days
Today we get to hear about holy messages–some delivered by the mouths of prophets and some delivered by angelic messengers. Last Saturday a messenger of the Lord appeared to me. Okay…it wasn’t an angel. It was a musician. And he didn’t appear to me. He was streamed to me on the internet. His name is…