Lent: A Catechetical Journey
New Day Sermon Lent 2 The Lenten season is defined by questions. Today, the questions Nicodemus asks of Jesus, lead us into a consideration of baptism, and the Spirit’s presence in that sacred and central act.
New Day Sermon Baptism Of Our Lord What does it mean to be alive? To be really alive. What does it mean to live life well? Our Biblical witness has a few suggestions…
A Rainy Baptism
We again thank Brendan Armitage for providing this week’s devotion. Make sure to tune in next week for another guest devotion by Jill Emmert. Galatians 3:26 — “So in Christ Jesus you are all children of God through faith, for all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ.” Have you ever…
The Coat of Christ
New Day Sermon Easter 5 In baptism we are given a gift of adoption and wrapped in faith. We’ve all been given the same gift…like an eternal jacket. So how are you wearing this jacket…this coat of Christ?
Jesus … the Movie
Baptism of our Lord Sunday is about identity … Jesus’ identity as Son of God … and our identity as children of God. Baptism is at the heart of both these identities. In Jesus’ day, that identity was shaped through sermons spoken from hillsides and sermons preached from boats. If Jesus’ came to our world…
Mushroom Grace
Let the Triune God Resolve Divisions
New Day Sermon Pentecost 3 Divisions can cause all kinds of problems. In Mark 3, Jesus says unity is threatened by divisions. A House divided is destined to fall. One can look at fear being a major underlying reason for divisions to surface. One way to resolve divisions is to turn to the Triune God…