Endings and Beginnings
Go Tell It!
Psalm-in-Action Grab a friend and act out these words from Psalm 148 with the suggested motions or come up with your own! point both hands to the skyHallelujah! Praise the Lord from the heavens; praise God in the heights. flap your angel wingsPraise the Lord, all you angels; sing praise, all you hosts of heaven.…
The Childhood of Christ
The Holy Innocents, Martyrs
If St. Stephen’s martyrdom a couple of days ago was an unusual thing to celebrate, today’s readings about The Holy Innocents, those children Herod killed out of fear that his throne would be taken from him, are even more distressing. The story goes that Herod feared that Jesus was here to overturn Herod’s rule. In…
Stephen, Deacon and Martyr
This is Advent
Our video advent devotional series “This is Advent” begins next week. Join us each Wednesday! We’ll hear musical selections from members of St. Peter’s, as well as get to hear about what makes their Advent special, and how they prepare for Christmas.