Faith In Our Future
Since St. Peter’s Evangelical Lutheran Church was founded, generations of our church family have focused on fulfilling our mission to “build a community of faith by God’s Grace.” Today, this outreach is needed more than ever as we seek to meet the evolving needs of our congregation, community, and world.
Every generation of St. Peter’s has given generously to further God’s ministry on Earth. Now it is our turn to contribute. Each gift will bless both this generation and future generations not only at St. Peter’s but also in our community. This is truly an opportunity to have Faith in Our Future!
Total Commitments
Participating Households
Cash Received
Funds Allocated
Totals as of August 1, 2024
Projects in-progress or completed:
Exterior Building Maintenance
Replace Rooftop heating/cooling Units | Completed |
Repair and repave parking lot and storm drain; move dumpster enclosure | Completed |
Landscape and grounds upkeep – Church campus | Completed |
Interior Building Maintenance
Replace heating/cooling control system | Completed |
Repair boilers | Completed |
Replace control system for chillers | Completed |
Repair floor Leak and re-tile room – Duck Room | Completed |
Security and LED lighting of parking lot | Completed |
Install LED Lighting in Sanctuary | Removed from project list: currently no LED options available for our high-wattage lights |
Install remote door locks for North and Ramp Entrances | Completed |
Add security cameras for North, Ramp, and Main entrances | Completed |
Install New Wireless Microphone System (Family Life Center) | Completed |
Upgrade A/V for Live Streaming Systems | Completed |
Mount Projectors and Screens for Café, Family Life Center and Augsburg Alley | Completed |
Mission and Ministry
Refurnish Narthex | Completed |
Purchase Cargo Van | Deferred – determined to be a lesser priority and now is cost prohibitive |
Establish Mission Fund | In progress ($122,500 allocated to-date) |
Decrease Mortgage Debt | In progress ($122,500 allocated to-date) |
“Our journey into rooting our children’s spiritual path at St. Peter’s came to us as authentic as faith should be; we felt at home from the moment we first stepped into the church.”
Keister Family