“He counts the number of the stars; He gives names to all of them. Great is our Lord and abundant in strength; His understanding is infinite.” (Psalm 147:4-5)
Our thanks go out to Brendan Armitage for gifting us this beautiful reflection during the Advent-Christmas season.
“Good evening from the North Atlantic; I’m not much for sleeping standing up on these flights, so I’ve spent much of this long sleep-free evening staring out the window at the millions of stars beyond the wing.
Sure, there are some bright ones, part of some constellation I should recognize, I’m certain. But in this trip above the clouds, it’s the faint ones that catch the eye, at least to me. Each one stays in focus, against the multitude of others, only when I really concentrate on that singular star.
It strikes me that each of us has been made by God, like a star. Each of us is but a bit of light, against the inky dark sky. But as our recently-deceased President George Bush (41) said, “We are together a thousand points of light.” Together, God uses us to fill up the night sky and transform it into…the heavens.
In this darkest of seasons, may I ask you to pray? To pray for the realization that God is always within you, and not just within you, but shining out through you, and using you and me and each of us together, to transform our dark, dirty, wretched world, into a heavenly host?
He does. Every night.
Twinkle, twinkle, little star. Our Lord’s glory, from afar. Amen.”