Pastor’s Email College Devotion
The Week following Christ the King Sunday
November 22, 2015
For the creation waits with eager longing for the revealing of the children of God; for the creation was subjected to futility, not of its own will but by the will of the one who subjected it, in hope that the creation itself will be set free from its bondage to decay and will obtain the freedom of the glory of the children of God. (Romans 8:19-21, NRSV)
Do you feel connected to the created world? I’m not asking if you feel responsible to take care of it well, but whether you feel “connected” to it. Do you stand “above” creation, or are you a “spirit” sister or brother to it? As we celebrate our national Thanksgiving holiday this week, will you use the opportunity to consider how symbiotic is the relationship between your life and the life of our world? Will you give thanks for more than the food on your dinner table, and pause to remember the marvelous miracle of this earth God has fashioned? St. Paul’s words above suggest that there is a deeper relationship between the creation and the children of God, than we may typically consider. Why not try considering it?
We finished the Church Year this morning with our Christ the King Sunday services. Advent starts a new church year next Sunday. We had Bible presentation to some of our young Christians, there was great music in New Day and traditional worship, and Vicar Karen and I got to preach on an interesting text from Isaiah which included an Advent teaser, with the iconic “root from the stump of Jesse” passage.
I pray all is well with you, and that you have an organized plan for studying for finals and finishing papers. As always, make choices that you and your loved ones will be proud of.
Creator God, every creature, every plant, every rock and grain of sand
proclaims the glory of its Creator; worships through color, shape, scent and form.
A multi-sensory song of praise. Creator God, may we join with the whole of your creation in praising you, our Creator through the fragrance and melody of our lives. Amen.