
Reformation For All

New Day Sermon Reformation Sunday Lutherans have often celebrated Reformation Sunday as an “in-house” glorification of the blessings of the Lutheran perspective. Now, in a rapidly changing world with expanded horizons, how do we live and witness as Lutheran Christians in a pluralistic human community. Join our New Day community in our engagement of the…

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Saints that are Human

     EMAIL DEVOTIONAL      week of Pentecost 24 I spent an hour and a half today with ten church members gathered for a Book Club discussion of the book Martin Luther, written by our American Lutheran historian Martin Marty.  It was a fascinating discussion as we marveled at the courage of a simple monk…

Rise: Remember Well the Future

I write this having come to the end of a fulfilling week in Minneapolis, MN at the 2017 National Conference of the Association of Lutheran Church Musicians. We have gathered together as a group of people who care deeply about leading people in proclaiming the gospel of Jesus Christ through song. There have been opportunities…

St Peters Evangelical Lutheran Church
Reformation was Luther’s Amen

New Day Sermon Reformation We remember Martin Luther today. He had a great way of taking a lot of theological ideas and putting them to song (sometimes grabbing a tune that was well known to the crowd). So how does one preach this Reformation Sunday? Maybe by taking a note from good ol’ Marty himself…