
Called Into Mission

We could not have a worse Gospel Lesson for this morning’s service than the one I just read from Luke, chapter 20.  On Annual Meeting Sunday, I was hoping that maybe the First Lesson would be from the First Book of Kings … recounting King Solomon’s temple building project in Jerusalem, and how he paid…

The Jesus Guide To Discipleship and Leadership

This week in our Gospel story, the writer Mark gives us two stories back to back. One is disappointment and the other elation. One is rejection and the other acceptance. One looks like failure and other looks like success. The first story is Jesus returning to his hometown of Nazareth. In my time, I’ve heard…

St Peters Evangelical Lutheran Church
A Place Called Home

There I was and I had just confessed the thing I didn’t want to confess. I had said it out loud and I wanted to take the words and grab them in the air and shove them back in my heart for no one to see. I could see their faces and they were what……

In Your Own Backyard

Email Devotional Pentecost 6 But as for what was sown on good soil, this is the one who hears the word and understands it, who indeed bears fruit and yields. –Matthew 13:23 Upon encountering need in the world, sometimes we are prepared to be a good disciple. Sometimes God asks us to be an agent…

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What Kind of Soil Are You?

TRADITIONAL SERMON Pentecost 6 SUNDAY Two weekends ago, I was in Nashville, Tennessee, officiating at the wedding of one of our long-time young adults from St. Peter’s.  I’ve never been to Nashville, so Nancy and I tried to gather in a bit of the spirit of the city when we weren’t with the Moul family…