
In Between

Have you ever found yourself in an “in between” place in life?  Maybe you were “between” jobs … or in “transition” from one relationship to another … or stuck between that proverbial “rock and a hard place.”  Maybe your “in between-ness” is due to a dependency upon drugs or alcohol or prescription medicines.  Maybe it…

The Eyes Have It

New Day Sermon Pentecost 11 Seeing eye to eye…the eyes are the window to the soul… the eyes have it… what do they have? The have knowledge, history, hurts, hopes…and if you look closely enough…maybe even the divine.

Healing Waters

(Please be aware that during the season of Lent, these weekly devotions will be arriving in your inbox on Tuesdays.) I see him twice within a twenty-four hour period of time.  Each time, healing waters flow.  You might call me a crybaby.  Mea culpa.  But he has been a strong presence in my life.  I’ve…

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The Saints Who Walk Among Us

In biblical Greek the word that is most commonly translated as “saint” is hagios.  Note that the word hagios is actually an adjective, not a noun.  It is a word that describes.  Its best translation is “sacred” or “holy.” In the Bible it is often used to describe God’s word … as St. Paul does,…

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Heaven on Earth

It was not heaven, but it felt pretty close to me.  I fell asleep in one room (Operating Room) and woke up in different place (Recovery Room).   I woke up pain free … I experienced a sense of excitement as I tried to process what was going on around me … and I felt like…

Christ’s Healing Makes Us Whole

Traditional Sermon Epiphany 5 Grace be unto you, and peace, from God our Father, and from the Lord, Jesus Christ (1 Colossians 1:3). Today’s gospel passage brings back some memories from an encounter I had many years ago with some friends at church. The discussion we had not only raised some humorous questions, but also…