Baked; Not Broiled
Oh, Those Kiddos
Two Factor Authentication
New Day Sermonlent 1 Our identity may be questioned all the time. In what ways does God authenticate who we are?
Fear, Faith, & Bicycles
New Day Sermonpentecost 23 Sometimes the temporary nature of life hits us hard, so where can we find faith and courage in the midst of fear?
Not Simply A Transaction
New Day Sermon Pentecost 17 It’s budget season! We budget all the time, but some things God simply doesn’t want you to budget…
“Journeying with Jesus” Pentecost 3 Traditional Worship Sermon
Confirmation Revisited
Faith as a Broken Box
The picture heading this devotion is not awaiting our trash pick-up this morning as you read this devotion. No, it is actually an important protective spirit in my household. It is the box which has housed the Christmas wreath that has hung above the front door to our home since we moved into it in…
Mary Magdalene, Apostle
New Day Sermon Mary Magdalene We can easily miss Mary Magdalene in our biblical narrative, since she is primarily a presence in the crucifixion and resurrection stories. But oh, what a strong, witnessing presence she is when she shows up.