
Happy Tears

(A LIT CANDLE IS PLACED ON THE PULPIT)  It doesn’t look like much, does it?  Yeah … I agree.  But this candle represents more than thirty years of my life.  Well, no … that’s not exactly right.  The candle represents one particular day each year for each of the last thirty-plus years of my life. …

Saints for All

New Day Sermonall Saints Sunday The saints we cherish are a far bigger community that simply those we have loved who have died in this world. We who still walk the earth are all “living saints” too. Join us for a broader consideration of “sainthood” as we engage some voices from the past who have…

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Tempered Strength

If I asked you to list ten words that describe you, would “meek” be on the list?  My guess is that it would not.  It probably would not make a list of one hundred words you would compile.  I’m not sure when I have last heard the word “meek” used in conversation.  But it has…