









We invite you into a deeper faith experience through our educational offerings.

St. Peter’s commitment to raise disciples and follow Jesus continues this fall as we begin a new season of Christian education. It is our prayer that you join us as we learn something new and deepen our faith together.

Sunday Mornings

During the school year, Sunday School will begin at 9:15 a.m. and end at 10:15 a.m. Pre-K and Kindergarten meet in the Frog Room;  grades 1-4 meet in Augsburg Alley;  Youth grades 5-9 meet in their respective classrooms

Children and Youth Sunday School

Register your children and youth by using the Sunday School
registration form below!

Grades 1-4 meet in Augsburg Alley. Children will have music and a story at the opening and then travel to one of our stations – creation station, exploration station and our adventure station. We focus on the same story or theme for three weeks and the children experience it through art, cooking, science, games and other fun activities.  These classes are led by various volunteers

Prek/Kdg meet in our prayground area inside the doors of the Sunday school/preschool entrance. This class includes a story, free play with centers and a snack. This class is led by various volunteers.

Grades 5/6 meet together in room 128 in the Christian Ed wing. This group focuses on the Old Testament through crafts, games and discussions. These classes are led by parent volunteers.

Grades 7/8 meets together in room 130 in the Christian Ed Wing.  This class focuses on the New Testament as well as some basic Lutheran theology.  These classes are led by parent volunteers.  

Grade 9 Confirmation meets in the Conference Room. This year is devoted to learning more about the basics of Lutheran doctrine, including the Small Catechism, The Augsburg Confession and what it means to be Lutheran in our world today.  This class is led by Sister Dottie Almoney.

Senior High (grades 10-12) meets in the youth room (the small hallway at the bottom of the ramp). Led by Mallory Yeingst, this class is discussion based on various topics of interest taht deal with bridging church and world. This class will also participate in service projects.

Adult volunteers are always needed to help lead these classes.  Curriculum is provided and ready to go when you walk in the door!  We do request a child abuse background check (which is free) if you volunteer – you can request one at this website.  Email Tara Beitzel for more information on how you can get involved.

Adult Sunday Education

The “Pod” class

meets in room 100

Each week we explore scripture and make connections to current events, to Lutheran theology, and to our life in the community. Whether we’re diving deep into the lectionary readings or using the Wired Word curriculum, lively discussions are guaranteed. Please join us – all are welcome!