Nancy Brody was called to serve as pastor of Messiah Parish in Halifax, PA. Her congregations are named Messiah Lutheran Church (Fisherville) and St. Peter (Fetterhoff’s).
AuthorVicar Nancy Brody
New Day Sermonadvent 3 Is it up to us to muster up hope and joy this holiday season? When circumstances make it difficult, joy, like faith can only be received from God. What we need to fill our spirits is available, yet not always accessible. Why?
Christ as King
Christ The King Last Sunday After Pentecost You might be surprised to know that one of my biggest challenges in seminary was learning to decipher the church calendar. If I am supposed to keep track of days and dates, I need a big rectangle with little squares. Before going to seminary, saying Advent comes before…
Teachable Moments
New Day Sermon Pentecost 23 Many variables affect our perception, and influence how we interpret our visual and auditory surroundings. Knowing God offers no guarantee of peace. But, it is an open invitation to be teachable in the moment.
Rotate, 180 Degrees
Pentecost 22 To be an agent of God’s grace, one must possess at least three things: mercy, faithfulness and righteousness. Jesus surpasses all priestly requirements as the true King of Peace. Unlike other priests, he never committed violence, and never spoke deceitfully. Before he sacrificed himself on the altar, he wanted his disciples to consider…
“Don’t Walk Away, Defeated”
New Day Sermon Pentecost 21 Jesus hears what you ask, but wonders if you know who you’re asking. God’s goodness is incomparable. When your faith isn’t strong, your answers/choices incorrect, don’t give up and walk away, defeated.
The Power of Jesus and Chocolate
Let Go and Let God
New Day Sermon Pentecost 17 Circumstances drive us. We often deal with the now, by contemplating our past or future. Concerns persist until “the time” arrives. What will you do next? Hold on; let go; or let God?
Skin in the Game
New Day Sermon pentecost 13 Weeks ago, Jesus fed the five thousand with staple food: bread and fish. In John 6: 51-58, Jesus throws his flesh and blood onto the menu. Throughout our lifetime, we taste, explore and understand the world around us through our senses. What we see and hear is filtered through specialized…