Memes, Mistakes, and Martin Luther
New Day Sermon Reformation Sunday Memes are a good way of telling stories…so here’s a few to tell the story of sin, salvation, and God’s hope for you.
Fooling Yourself
Saints that are Human
Is Hell for real?
EMAIL DEVOTIONAL PEntecost 2 The pit of torment shall appear, and opposite it shall be the place of rest; and the furnace of hell shall be disclosed, and opposite it the paradise of delight. (2 Esdras 7:36) Hell is real. I visited there today. It snuck up on me. I spent much of the day working on some…
Are you blind?
New Day Sermon Lent 4 The sermon is a combination of the lesson from John with a drama woven throughout. Do you see yourself in any of the characters? We often complain of others not seeing their bad behavior, but many times we are blinded to our own.