Is there Math & Grammar in Heaven?
New Day Sermon Pentecost 22 Math, grammar, and the promise of the resurrection…or in a few simple words how Jesus offers us hope in the now and not yet.
The Black Hole of the Easter Cave
TRADITIONAL SERMON Easter Sunday Darkness and light … it is a rhythm that has always stood at the center of this story. Energy … that we cannot begin to comprehend, fuels the event. Theories, questions and conclusions have arisen around it, even though none of us have ever seen it with our own eyes. And…
Death is Not the Final Word
Licorice, Death, and Life
New Day Sermon Lent 5 There’s a rhythm to our reality where death leads to life. Jesus reminds us that to really know life, something needs to die. How is Jesus inviting you to die?
Wheat Arising Green
How Does God Love the World?
Who is the Real You?
New Day Sermon Pentecost 19 We all have our stories and the truth of our lives lie more in what cannot be seen than what can. The important part of our stories are not the troubled relationships but rather the reconciliation, the forgiveness, or the lack thereof…