
Hope in the Face of Death

I know we often lose, and that the death or destruction of another is infinitely more real and unbearable than one’s own.  I think I know how many times one has to start again, and how often one feels that one cannot start again.  And yet, on pain of death, one can never remain where…

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The Terrible Gift of Free Will

The problem of pain, of war and the horror of war, of poverty and disease is always confronting us.  But a God who allows no pain, no grief, also allows no choice.  There is little unfairness in a colony of ants, but there is also little freedom.  We human beings have been given the terrible…

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Concerning a Dodge Caravan … and Hope

Email Devotion For The Week Of Easter 3 Rejoice in hope, be patient in suffering, persevere in prayer.   (Romans 12:12, NRSV) We were the only two people in the building who were crying … literally … the only two of the dozens of people surrounding us at the local CarMax showroom.  We were signing over the…

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Wheat Arising Green

Traditional Sermon Lent 5 The grain of wheat falling to the earth and dying, bears fruit in our agricultural world.  What are the grains of of our lives that in dying bear fruit of grace and blessing for us? Oft times a hymn is a sermon in and of itself, with the hymn text writer…