Songs for the Journey
New Day Sermon Pentecost 5 Today’s sermon is a special one where we meet two wandering minstrels telling healing stories through song and getting the congregation to sing along!
Silver Packages
New Day Sermon ADVENT 1 What do silver packages in the hands of a poor child of Appalachia have to do with the prophetic promises of fulfillment in our faith lives and places of promise at the end of our journeys? Tune in to today’s New Day sermon for one potential answer.
April 30, 2017 Traditional Sermon
The Journey of Faith
Pentecost 20 Traditional Sermon So, how would you answer the question, “What is Faith?” <CONGREGATIONAL ANSWERS — Believing in something you can’t see … faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen … doing the right thing … rooting for the New York Mets … reading the Bible ……