TagGod’s Love

The Masks We Wear

Years from now we will look back on this era with dismay. For one thing, it was the time of wearing masks. We will find a collection of masks we wore, stored away as symbolic artifacts of a strange time. Nothing new, actually – human beings have always worn masks – and always will –  Experts say…

When Love Shows Up

Our Gospel reading includes one of the most well known and cherished Bible verses of all time. In 27 words, the message of God’s good news…the entirety of God’s work in Jesus is shared. It usually takes me much more than 27 words to say anything of value. And yet here is the story of…

Cost versus Value

We are very familiar with the scene and the characters in today’s gospel. We think we know them. There is much that has been said regarding them. But, none of the details in the story irrefutably support the theories.Theories that have long been perpetuated about who, where and when this scene takes place. Therefore, I…

St Peters Evangelical Lutheran Church
Ask Me

New Day Sermon All Saints’ Sunday Life is filled with questions. Some we are begging to be asked about, and some that are harder to put to words. All Saints’ Sunday is a good day for to ask questions about life and death.

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How Does God Love the World?

Traditional sermon   lent 4 Grace be unto you, and peace, from God our Father, and from the Lord, Jesus Christ (1 Colossians 1:3). Let’s go back in time to the mid-1970s. And, yes, I’m talking about a little over 40 years ago. I was in high school. Disco, very wide ties, platform shoes, tacky…

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The Tale of the Three Trees

EMAIL DEVOTIONAL Easter SUNDAY He is not here; for he has been raised.  (Matthew 28:6)       [Please enjoy this classic anonymous folktale, The Tale of the Three Trees.  It is offered as an Easter devotion.] Once upon a mountain top, three little trees stood and dreamed of what they wanted to become when they…