Upside Down Backwards and Cockeyed
New Day Sermon pentecost 18 A lot of time can be spent chasing after greatness or being really great. But what is true greatness? And why does it totally feel upside down, backwards, and cockeyed?!
New Day Sermon pentecost 18 A lot of time can be spent chasing after greatness or being really great. But what is true greatness? And why does it totally feel upside down, backwards, and cockeyed?!
New Day Sermon Easter 3 Jesus meets us where we are…sometimes when we least expect it. And with each meeting comes the invitation, “follow me.”
New Day Sermon Easter 4 We follow our Good Shepherd like sheep. But our flock always brings with it a wider array of gifts and callings than are typically associated with sheep. Our worshippers brought that message to life today.