Fear, Faith, & Bicycles
New Day Sermonpentecost 23 Sometimes the temporary nature of life hits us hard, so where can we find faith and courage in the midst of fear?
New Day Sermon Pentecost 18 When we’re at our edge God sends us bridges. What may prevent us from taking them?
Angels Unawares
Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for by doing that some have entertained angels without knowing it. ~~Hebrews 13:2 (NRSV) I’m not much for the Book of Hebrews. I’ve never been enamored by the lofty language, the implied superiority of New Testament teaching over the Old Testament foundations for Jesus’ ministry, and the…
Have No Fear
Traditional Sermon Pentecost 9 What are you afraid of? We’re all afraid of something. Maybe you have nyctophobia, a fear of darkness or arachnophobia, a fear of spiders. Maybe your fear is a little more unusual like Arachibutyrophobia – the fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of your mouth. I know for a…
Out of the Tombs
New Day Sermon Easter Sunday Easter is about joy. Pure undiluted joy. But do we always know how to live in joy? How does the Resurrection gift you joy today?
Finding Hope in an Apocalyptic World
Let’s have a little chat, shall we? It will be a chat about these bizarre eight verses from the Gospel of Mark, Chapter 13. Those who get paid to research and interpret the Bible make reference to the 13th chapter of Mark’s Gospel as “The Little Apocalypse.” You can read a slightly edited version of…
Let the Triune God Resolve Divisions
New Day Sermon Pentecost 3 Divisions can cause all kinds of problems. In Mark 3, Jesus says unity is threatened by divisions. A House divided is destined to fall. One can look at fear being a major underlying reason for divisions to surface. One way to resolve divisions is to turn to the Triune God…
Fear Not! With God All is Possible!
Traditional sermon Advent 4 Grace be unto you, and peace, from God our Father, and from the Lord, Jesus Christ (1 Colossians 1:3). Today’s gospel lesson on the Annunciation is probably a very familiar story to most Christians, especially during Advent as we await to celebrate the birth of God’s only Son, Jesus Christ, on…