
Does God Keep Score?

The summer of 2003 I was living on my own, a thousand miles away from family and friends, and I was in need of a car. At the time I had a car, well a mini-van, well it was a minivan by name, but by function it sounded much more like a coffee pot brewing…

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Let the Triune God Resolve Divisions

New Day Sermon Pentecost 3 Divisions can cause all kinds of problems. In Mark 3, Jesus says unity is threatened by divisions. A House divided is destined to fall. One can look at fear being a major underlying reason for divisions to surface. One way to resolve divisions is to turn to the Triune God…

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Holiness and Perfection?

TRADITIONAL SERMON EPIPHANY 7   OK, let’s take a vote.  I regularly ask my Confirmation class to vote on questions of faith, and sometimes even my Wednesday Morning Bible Study class.  No now it is your turn.  Answer me this … do you think it is more difficult to be perfect … or be holy.…