
Right Before My Eyes

For I know that my Redeemer lives, and that at the last he will stand upon the earth; and after my skin has been thus destroyed, then in my flesh I shall see God. Job 19:25-26 I’m making a communion visit yesterday with one of our church members under hospice care.  She has led a…

An Unbreakable Promise

The summer before 6th grade I made a blood pact with my best friend. Okay okay… it wasn’t a pact made in blood. It was actually ketchup. Because blood…gross. But the sentiment was true enough. We were best friends. We had the necklace that said best friend, two sides of a heart. I wore one…

Skin in the Game

New Day Sermon pentecost 13 Weeks ago, Jesus fed the five thousand with staple food: bread and fish. In John 6: 51-58, Jesus throws his flesh and blood onto the menu. Throughout our lifetime, we taste, explore and understand the world around us through our senses. What we see and hear is filtered through specialized…

Stop. Look. Go.

New Day Sermon Pentecost 11 We can speed through life trying to pull ourselves up by our “bootstraps,” but God invites us to live differently. Today’s New Day sermon begins with a clip from the movie Shenadoah.

Eating and Living Side-by-Side

John 6: 1-21 Let us pray. Dear LORD: May your holy word and my thoughts work together to provide the spiritual food and energy we need. Help us to recognize your presence and engage ourselves. Amen. ²“A crowd followed him because they saw the signs that he was doing for the sick.” (RSV) They were…