Communion Awareness
New Day Sermon John 6:56-96 Our sermon series theme for today is “Why ponder weekly communion?” Let’s look at the history of this Sacrament through the lens of Scripture, Lutheran Theology, Liturgy and history of the Christian and Lutheran Church.
An Unbreakable Promise
Skin in the Game
New Day Sermon pentecost 13 Weeks ago, Jesus fed the five thousand with staple food: bread and fish. In John 6: 51-58, Jesus throws his flesh and blood onto the menu. Throughout our lifetime, we taste, explore and understand the world around us through our senses. What we see and hear is filtered through specialized…
Stop. Look. Go.
New Day Sermon Pentecost 11 We can speed through life trying to pull ourselves up by our “bootstraps,” but God invites us to live differently. Today’s New Day sermon begins with a clip from the movie Shenadoah.
It’s a Mystery
New Day Sermon Pentecost 10 We have a mysterious relationship with food. Joy, sadness, enjoyment, pain…usually with these emotions food is present. And mysteriously, so is God.