TagChrist the King

What Kind of King?

Christ the King Sunday … today’s celebration … is the final Sunday of the Church Year.  It is a time when the Church not only thinks about the end of our twelve-month cycle of Sunday church services and accompanying lessons and festivals.  It is also a time when we think about the end of time,…

St Peters Evangelical Lutheran Church
Who is this king?

Traditional Sermon Christ the King When you think of the word ‘king’ what comes to mind? For me right now…when I think of kings, queens and such I think of my daughter. This past summer my daughter Elsa was getting into the ‘princess’ stage. I don’t know how it happened. Just one day she came…

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Is Christ Our King?

    Traditional Sermon,     Christ The King Sunday In 1928, Elie Wiesel was born in Transylvania. Fifteen years later he and his family would be deported by the Nazis to Auschwitz where his mother and younger sister would perish. He would later study in Paris and become a journalist where he was encouraged…