All new Jubilate Choir Seasons!
Sign up your 1st– 5th grader for any or all of the seasons to participate in leading worship and learning more about the Christian faith through music. Below is a list of the seasons with rehearsal and traditional worship dates. Dates to sing in New Day will be determined based on the schedules of participants. All rehearsals are Thursdays from 6:00-6:30pm.
To sign up go to and fill out the form. The seasons are completely compartmentalized; if you don’t participate in season 1 but do participate in season 2, your child will not have to play catch up. You may sign up now for all four seasons or you can wait to see what your schedule will be. Your child will want to make a majority of the rehearsals for any given season to feel comfortable singing in the group.
The goal of Jubilate Choir is to help some of our youngest believers engage in worship and music in a way that begins to nurture their faith. We will work on some fundamentals of rhythm and singing while learning and singing about important themes from the bible.
Sign up today and together we will sing to the Lord a new song!