
So if the Son sets you free, then you will be free indeed.

–John 8:36

Happy Independence Day! This day marks the 240th anniversary when the Continental Congress declared the 13 colonies a new nation, the United States of America. The Declaration of Independence states that there are unalienable rights that all may enjoy–the freedom of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

That word freedom sometimes gets tossed around a bit. Shopping this weekend you may encounter some buy one get one free sales. You may be lucky to go to an event and get free parking. If you’re really lucky maybe you get some free time to sit and enjoy the 4th and really relax.

But what does it mean to be free?

Martin Luther had a few things to write about the freedom of a Christian:

martin luther quote

I think our brother Martin wanted to remind us that as Christians we have been made free through Christ’s work, and that gives us liberty. Not just liberty to do whatever we want, whenever we want, no matter what….but rather the freedom to be who God wants us to be.

So here’s some awesome examples of what freedom in Christ looks like brought to you by your brothers and sisters at St. Peter’s:
We have the freedom to learn (like our middle schoolers did at Confirmation Camp with Sister Dottie and Bishop Dunlop).
We have the freedom to travel (Mark Aho and may synod members are on a mission trip in Tanzania).
We have the freedom to worship and commune in Jesus’ name.
We have the freedom to sing, dance, celebrate, and live life fully!

Perhaps the New Day band can bring it home with the song I am Free:

Happy 4th of July friends. May you enjoy the freedoms given to you through Christ!

Pastor Sarah

St Peters Evangelical Lutheran Church

Church office

Parish Secretary

I’m glad for the opportunity to help and offer a source of support for the members and staff of St. Peter’s.

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