College Devotion, Easter 6
Show yourself in all respects a model of good works, and in your teaching show integrity, gravity.
–Titus 2:7, NRSV
We talked a bit about spiritual mentors in church today. Pr. Sarah and I preached on the spiritual gifts of Evangelism, Faith, and Giving, and we both reflected on people who have been models of faith for us and for St. Peter’s. I wonder who your faith mentors are these days. As a youth, parents are typically your primary faith mentors, with people in the church community helping out a bit as Sunday School teachers or youth advisors church leaders. But do you find people who model the faith on college campuses? Fellow students, maybe? School personnel? A chaplain or campus pastor possibly? Sometimes we run the risk of thinking that we no longer need faith mentors as we get older. But if faith is alive within you, you will find companions throughout your life. Who are they at this stage in your journey?
We had the Catechism Bee today. The parents won for a change, but just by 9 points. Pretty lively competition. Work hard these final couple of weeks. And as always, make choices that you and your loved ones will be proud of.
Thank you God, for those who model the faith for me, and teach me to model it for others in my journey. We are one great community of your children throughout the world. We learn from each other and you call us to support each other. Amen.